Ongoing Survey on Anti-Semitism in Schools

Dear teachers,

The Terezin Initiative Institute is conducting a survey to chart changes in prejudice, attitudes and behavior among students during the school year. We are looking at a larger range of issues, but we are focusing in particular on anti-Semitism, and on attitudes that have taken shape in the aftermath of 7 October 2023 and the subsequent Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At the same time, we ask about your experiences, how you react to these views and activities of your students, or if you consider any activities risky.

The research is also being conducted in Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary.

It will take you less than 10 minutes to complete the tick-box section; if you are willing to share your experiences with us, please allow more time to complete the questionnaire.

Please complete the Research on Anti-Semitism in Schools questionnaire as soon as possible, while the school year is still fresh in your mind, but no later than the beginning of the next school year.

We would be delighted if you would involve your colleagues and students in the survey and share the questionnaire with them.

Project funded by the European Practitioners Network Against Antisemitism (EPNA).


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2. 7. 2024

The last two days of this June were dedicated to the project of rescuing and revitalizing the original textile factory of the Löw-Beer family in Brno, known from the story of Oskar Schindler and his wife Emilie, who saved more than 1300 Jews during the Holocaust. A museum and an educational programme centre will be built in the former factory.

28. 6. 2024

On Thursday, 27 June 2024, we gathered at the Academia Literary Café for the launch of Tomáš Kraus' book, which bears witness to our recent past. The book is about life in socialist Czechoslovakia in the second half of the 20th century from the perspective of someone whose parents both survived the Holocaust. What was the cultural and social scene like then?

Many guests attended the launch, including Jiří Drahoš, First Deputy President of the Senate of the Czech Republic, and Tomáš Töpfer, actor, director, scriptwriter, former theatre director and senator.

The book is available in bookstores and online.


26. 6. 2024

June 28th marks 56 years since the Stonewall Riots. Since 1970, June has been celebrated as Pride Month, and serves to support and celebrate queer folks. It commemorates the riot, which took place in the US, and was a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ rights movement. It’s a time for remembrance and celebration, and a reminder of the ongoing fight against discrimination and the need for continued progress toward full equality.

At Terezin Initiative Institute, our mission is to remember Holocaust victims, research contemporary documents to return victims their faces and stories, and to leverage the knowledge and understanding acquired to promote tolerance, equality, and help maintain a pluralistic society through education.

26. 6. 2024

Tomáš Kraus, director of the Terezín Initiative Institute, will launch his book, Next, Please. The literary event will take place on Thursday, 27 June 2024 at 5 pm at the Academia Literary Café, 24 Václavské náměstí, Prague 1.
Tomáš Kraus' book is a testimony to our recent past. What was life like in socialist Czechoslovakia in the second half of the 20th century from the perspective of someone whose parents both survived the Holocaust? What was the cultural and social scene like then?

You are all cordially invited.


25. 6. 2024

On 16 June, a lecture by T. Kraus on the history of the Holocaust was held at the TII. The students of the Wilhelm Ostwald Gymnasium in Leipzig learned, among other things, about the project of the Arks Foundation, which is reconstructing a former textile factory in Brno into the Oskar Schindler Museum, a museum of the original owners, the Löw-Beer family and a meeting place. An insightful presentation was given by Daniel Löw-Beer, Chairman of the Board of the Arks Foundation, who coincidentally was in Prague at the time for a meeting.


25. 6. 2024

Yesterday, 24 June, JUDr. Tomáš Kraus, Director of the Terezín Initiative Institute, gave a lecture introducing Jewish personalities.

21. 6. 2024

And I'll take my mom's hand, smile at her and say:
"We'll get through this, won't we, my dear mom!"