Miroslav Kárný, Michal Frankl, kol.: Theresienstädter Gedenkbuch. Die Opfer der Judentransporte aus Deutschland 1942 - 1945

The next volume of the edition of Terezín Memorial Books covers names and fates of more than 42 thousand Jews deported to Terezín from the territory of Germany in its boundaries before 1938 and from also Danzig.
Institut Terezínské iniciativy - Academia, Praha 2000
Each of German deportation areas makes its own chapter, from the largest one - Berlin with more than 15 thousand deported people - to the smallest on - Danzig with 117 deportees to Terezín. The memorial book includes an introductory word of President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel, historical overview of the history of Terezín and place of German prisoners in the ghetto community, written by Miroslav Kárný, introductions for each of the deportation areas and list of all transports to and from Terezín.